Arch City


The Last Stop Bike Shop

{If you will it, it is no dream}

A bicycle shop for the discerning cycling enthusiast. Sharpen your knowledge, dial in your position, continue your adventure.

*By appointment only

**Physical location arriving late March 2024

What Is ‘Arch City’?


Arch City is a dream we have. Who are we? Just two bicycle mechanics with a desire to stay in the field we love without losing our minds. We believe that bikes can truly change the world and it starts in our own backyards and parks. Our goal is to find and repurpose an under used building, get a handful of food trucks together for some consistent evenings, find some local artists to sell their goods and our unique bike shop that specializes in empowering adults and youth to ride, fix and love their bicycles and their city.


A Rich History, A Bright Future

The cycling history and culture in St Louis is wide ranging and rich. There is an active community of people who use their bicycle for transportation a burgeoning competitive race scene, a population of young riders discovering the joys of mountain biking and a great infrastructure of trials and parks.

Our aim is to provide support for the working people of the city with rider education, be your own mechanic classes and support for those who use their bicycle as their main mode of transportation. We want to rethink the bicycle shop as more than just a store for high priced bikes and low quality products. We want to show the best ways to ride, well designed products, safest routes and the joys of biking from here to there.

Recognizing today’s challenges with online buying and the proliferation of do it yourself videos, we aim to be the first and Last Stop for your home mechanic needs and the final piece of the DIY puzzle, a guiding hand, professional experience and quality parts and tools.

Empowerment, engagement, encouragement.

Come learn with us …

…We offer focused clinics for individuals and small groups. Contact us for availability and options…

Schedule an Appointment

Mechanical Service + Fittings + Classes + Consultation